Seeds harvested from plants that we have grown ourselves in Leicestershire UK


About NRTomatoseed

I started my tomato growing journey in the mid 1990's, with a couple of Roma and Alicante plants. Having no prior knowledge of growing tomatoes, I was horrified when a friend started plucking bits from my precious plants. A little explanation later and I was fully educated on the removal of side shoots or suckers as they are sometimes called. Over the years, I've grown hundreds of different varieties of all colours, shapes and sizes.

In 2016 I came across a picture of a black tomato which would change my tomato growing habits forever. I tracked down the breeder in the US and purchased some seeds. That tomato was Black Beauty and it's still my favourite variety today. Since that first packet of heirloom seeds, I've explored hundreds of different heirloom tomato varieties. The varieties that you see for sale here are all varieties that I have personally enjoyed growing and eating and will definitely be growing again. These are my recommendations out of the many varieties I've tried, clearly my taste in tomatoes leans towards either green when ripe or anthocyanin tomatoes.

The varieties in my store are amateur, open pollinated seeds, harvested from plants grown by myself. They have been grown without use of pesticide and have not been genetically modified in any way. They can be grown both outdoors and undercover. However, be mindful that anthocyanin varieties develop darker colouration based on the level of direct, unobscured light received and therefore can perform better outdoors.

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